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1 Shiplord Kirel  Feb 15, 2009 1:21:27pm

The poor dhimmi’s Guardian. This “exclusive” simply reiterates the same multiply debunked lies and idiocy that have been around for 40 years. Moon hoaxers and similarly “harmless” conspira-liars paved the way for 9-11 troofers and they helped facilitate the survival of blood libels and other antisemitic hate speech.

Not for nothing, then, has the rabidly anti-American and anti-Israel Mirror debased itself to print this filth.

2 Shiplord Kirel  Feb 15, 2009 2:13:51pm

It is worth noting that Al Mirror is the same rag that made the pedophile accusations against Arthur C. Clarke in 1998. Their claimed source, the only one, was a supposed recording of Clarke admitting to the offense. The story was withdrawn when both the British and the Sri Lankan police demanded copies of the recording and the Mirror was unable to produce them.
They were also the perpetrators in a notorious case of faked war crimes photos, and numerous other scandals.
In short, they are scum even by media standards.

3 abu_garcia  Feb 15, 2009 4:04:13pm

And rasslin’s real.

“Andy did you hear about this one…”

Actually, I know one old timer who’s doubtful about the moon, but loves rasslin’.

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